Say no to graphs, for your customer’s sakeHave a quick trawl through Dribbble’s popular pages and you’ll likely see lots of charts, graphs, and data-visualisation. Designers love a…Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021
Movies with Matilda — BattleshipOriginal release: 2012, Watched on: Amazon Prime VideoApr 21, 2017Apr 21, 2017
Stick a cone on it.There’s a statue of the Duke of Wellington in Glasgow. This in itself is nothing interesting; British cities are full of statues of…Apr 6, 2017Apr 6, 2017
Published inSkyscanner DesignMarried to the Metrics.If you work at an Internet Economy business, you’ll be hard pressed not to have encountered data-led design. Whether you’re digging into…Mar 31, 2017Mar 31, 2017
Statistically SignificantAlice loved her flat. It was spacious and warm, with high ceilings, and windows that — when she was lucky, shone with copper-gold light in…Apr 26, 2016Apr 26, 2016
Published inPrototyprConversational UI — Where could designers be looking?If you work in a design role, you can’t help but hear about conversational UI. From Facebook’s M, to Amazon’s Alexa, the layer between the…Feb 22, 2016Feb 22, 2016
Thinking outside the boxBack when I was about 10 years old, I had a slim Casio calculator. For those who didn’t own one, it felt like (at the time) the peak of…Nov 5, 2015Nov 5, 2015
Published inSkyscanner PeopleIcons, SASS, and styleguides (oh my)Recently I’ve been working on updating Skyscanner’s living styles service with some delicious new icons. The best resources are the ones…Oct 9, 2015Oct 9, 2015
Published inPrototypr3 tools I had no idea I’d be using as a designer.Almost a year ago to the day, I left the sunny shores of infographics, adverts, and HTML emails, and changed my role at Skyscanner to…Jul 13, 2015Jul 13, 2015
Published inSkyscanner PeopleTrust is bulletproofSome of the best stories deal with good against evil. Fiction, non-fiction; we embrace these binary notions in our story telling. The…Apr 30, 2015Apr 30, 2015